Who doesn't want to lose their stubborn belly fat?!
I know I sure wish I could. And I wish it was simple, I wish it was easy, and I wish I could just do something (anything) to specifically target the fat on my stomach. Unfortunately, the truth is I can't - and neither can you.
I know, I know, that's not what you wanted to hear. You probably wanted to hear (if you're like me) that there'd be a quick and easy solution to solve your belly fat issue. But far too many people have already profited off of that lie though and at the expense of, well, far too many people.
It's time for the TRUTH.
The truth is guys, we can't "spot reduce" fat in just one area of our bodies. When our bodies lose fat (and weight) we lose it from every area of the body. And the only way to effectively lose fat (belly fat included) is to create a sustained caloric deficit for an extended period of time. This is also the secret to achieving a "six pack". Basically, once you reach a low enough body fat percentage (and this percentage is different for all of us because we all store fat differently) you'll eventually get lean enough to see your abs.
So to wrap things up - it's much, MUCH more important to focus on creating a caloric deficit than it is doing a bunch of crunches, or buying weight-loss teas, or other bogus products. Effectively losing belly fat simply takes time, not shortcuts.
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